What has happened in the last 1,5 years? Samu has! 🙂 Of course this doesn’t mean that I stopped making music, but my attention and focus has been on him, this is how it felt natural to me. It’s amazing how time flies, and how quickly my little baby is turning into this funny, lovable, perfect little boy. A couple of days before Samu was born, I had finished writing and recording the demos of my new Hungarian album, but I will wait some more until I start working on the real recordings.
There are so many things going on right now. I have been writing lyrics to a lot of great songs of my fantastic colleagues. These will be revealed soon one by one.
What really makes me happy is that while I am still located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jazzy Radio in Hungary added 6 more songs of mine (from the second E.K.Avenue album called Moonbike) to their rotation, so you can hear my songs there now at least 2 times a day, yay! 🙂
I am about to shoot a video clip with Balazs Harot, and I am working on more lyrics now, than I have ever had.
Hopefully I can invite you to concerts soon, too, but until then, listen to my songs on YouTube, Spotify and iTunes!